Since 1983 Braidbar Boats have been building top quality bespoke narrowboats at Lord Vernon’s Wharf on the Macclesfield Canal. Tel: 01625 873 471. Email: Based on the renown and elegant Tyler Wilson hulls, Braidbar builds just seven exclusive luxury narrow boats each year.
Find here a selection of recent individual and bespoke Braidbar narrowboats. For each featured narrowboat there is an image gallery and a brief synopsis. Exploring these boats here will, we hope, help you develop your narrow boating dreams and aspirations!
All about Braidbar Boats including next available build slots, boat industry awards, the Braidbar Owners Group, Braidbar boats and boat tests featured in boating magazines, company history and the Braidbar team at Lord Vernon’s Wharf.
Contact and location details for Braidbar Boats Ltd, Lord Vernon’s Wharf, Lyme Road, Higher Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1TH. Tel: 01625 873471 Email: Award winning narrowboat builders of distinction.
Find here more individual and bespoke Braidbar narrowboats. For each featured narrowboat there is an image gallery and a brief synopsis. Exploring these boats here will, we hope, help you develop your narrow boating dreams and aspirations!
A selection of Braidbar Boats’ customers testimonies and reviews in their own words… please do read their stories.
Quality suppliers of services, parts and components to Braidbar Boats including Tyler Wilson, Beta Marine, Hybrid Marine International, Andy Russell Signwriter, Kings Lock Chandlery, Aquafax, Channel Glaze, Lockgate, Bedazzled LED Lighting, Midland Chandlers, MD Woodtech, Marineware and Bailey’s Trading Post.
The key events in the Braidbar year are the Crick Boat Show and the Braidbar Open Day. If you would like to visit us and you are thinking of commissioning a new build, please contact us to arrange a visit.
Video gallery for luxury, custom narrowboats built by Braidbar Boats, featuring videos from Braidbar’s YouTube Channel, Crick Boat Show and Cruising The Cut.
Picture gallery of Braidbar Boats narrowboat building and fit out in progress. Check out a selection of behind the scenes photographs of Braidbar narrowboats at various stages in the boat building process. A fascinating insight into to narrowboat building and fits outs.
Not only has Braidbar "...long been known as one of the top boat builders on the cut" (Source Narrowboat Magazine), Braidbar successfully combines this tradition with the latest hybrid propulsion systems.
Braidbar narrow boats featured and tested in Waterways World or Canal Boat magazines - including the Crick Award Winner, Elizabeth Anne!
Details of the Braidbar Owners Group, which is entirely independent of Braidbar Boats Ltd. Members of the Group act as informal ambassadors for their builder as they cruise their beautiful boats about the inland waterways of Britain.
Braidbar are regulars at the Crick Boat Show and are often placed in the top three for the coveted "Favourite Boat in Show" award. Visit us at the show to see our latest show boat and meet Braidbar Owners Group members.
Find details of the upcoming Bradibar Open Day at our boat yard at Lord Vernon's Wharf, HIgher Poynton, situated on the picturesque Macclesfield Canal.
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Sitemap and brief description of the pages found in the website of Braidbar Boats Ltd.
Braidbar Boats Ltd